10 Powerful Ways to Develop Willpower like a Yogi
Photo credit: Dino Reichmuth
Cultivating willpower and self-control are essential for a joyous and successful life.
Willpower is a strong energy source, that can be exhausted, intensified and conserved. When we learn how to harness willpower, there isn’t much we cannot achieve. It was Mahatma Gandhi who famously said “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indominatable will.” And we all know his story.
There are many great tales and legends of willpower and determination. Stories in which adamant and unwavering protagonists, ultimately reach their goals.
Cultivating willpower is one the best things we can do for ourselves. It helps us forge positive habits which support our goals and keep us on track no matter how difficult the journey ahead may become.
Here are ten ways by which yogi’s enhance their willpower:
1. Increase willpower by focusing on right now
Pay attention to everything and everyone around you. Remain aware of all that is taking place. If your mind starts wandering, try your best to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Stop worrying about the past and the future, remember, “The past is history and the future is a mystery."
We cannot change the past. And the future is not in our control. The only place in which we have any power is in the present moment. If you want YOUR plans to workout, focus on right now.
2. Have conversations with irritating people.
Speak to all people, even those you find boring or irritating. Try to have a constructive discussion without making an excuse to exit the conversation, even if you have very different views. Doing this, will not only enhance your will power, it will also sharpen your communication skills and develop one of the greatest virtues a person can have – patience.
3. Stop complaining and accept things as they are.
Never complain about a bad situation or a negative atmosphere. Instead, carry an aura of joy and peace wherever you go. Even if there are difficulties, stay positive and remain calm. If you start feeling anxious, take a few deep breaths and find your centre. Complaining will never make time move faster, and every minute you spend complaining, is a minute you will never get back.
4. Use intelligence to overcome obstacles.
We often feel stressed and emotional when we face obstacles in life. But we are only ever able to find solutions to our problems when we are calm, because any from of stress clouds our judgement. So the best way to face and overcome obstacles is by applying the intellect. So the next time you find yourself in an adverse situation, stand your ground and maintain composure. Then use intelligence and strategy to turn the situation to your advantage.
5. No more gossip, ever.
Gossiping is a worthless habit, that will help you accomplish nothing. Some people think gossip helps them bond, but only a weak and uncharismatic personality requires gossip to form a connection with another human being. If one of your friends wants to gossip, try changing the subject or offer diplomatic and constructive feedback. If that doesn’t work, explain you’re trying to break the habit.
6. Stop overthinking and strengthen your self-confidence
Taking action is the key to success in any endeavor. Every moment you spend overthinking, is a moment you stop acting. And every moment you overthink, you strengthen self-doubt which in turn weakens your self-confidence and willpower. In fact, overthinking is one of the primary causes of failure. Willpower only succeeds when you think right and you feel right.
7. Become like the eye of the hurricane.
The eye is the calmest part of a hurricane, though everything rotates at great speed around the eye. In the same way, strive to keep yourself calm and balanced under all external conditions. When in a crisis, try not to get carried away by raw sentiments and strong emotions. Even if everything appears chaotic, try to remain as a witness, calm and unmoved by external havoc.
8. Forget your failures and let go of your mistakes.
Stop worrying about your failures and your mistakes. They may have served as a valuable lesson at the time, but they now belong to the past and have no place in the present moment. If you keep obsessing about your failures, you will compromise your self-confidence and your willpower. Understand, that “sometimes we win, and sometimes we learn”.
9. Boost your willpower by sleeping like Napoleon
Napoleon was famously known for his ability to take a power nap just before battle. This was a great ability, to be able to completely disengage with the external world. In a similar fashion, when you go to sleep aim to empty the mind and detach from the happenings of the day, not by reading or watching something to sleep. But simply by setting an intention. With time, your subconscious will turn this into a positive habit.
10. Jump out of bed in the mornings
Aim to jump out of bed in the mornings, even if you feel tired. Keep your alarm clock or phone away from your bed, so you have to get out in the morning to switch it off. Just make sure you don’t get back in, after you turn it off. And definitely don’t snooze it. If you lie in bed whilst awake, your brain will begin to link being awake with being in bed. And this will not only make it tougher to fall asleep at night, but will ultimately make you lazy. And laziness is great enemy of willpower, determination and any form of success.
Content: Content Inspired by the practices and teachings of Swami Sivananda Saraswati.